Full Movie Free Watch Rambo: Last Blood
Average rating - 6,6 of 10 Star.
Writed by - David Morrell, Sylvester Stallone.
year - 2019.
genres - Thriller.
Duration - 1H 29 Min
Rambo “Last Blood” was awesome! Yes it did slow down a bit in the 2nd act but not enough to bore you. They through a couple of curve balls that I didnt see coming. Rambo Last Blood definitely a 👍🏼. There is a lot going on in the opening of this film which is wonderful. ONE: They make references to the abuse of civilians by the military. It is FACT that the majority of the people in the military are cowards. Walk up to a person in the military and ask them. TWO: They specifically make references to rapes. It is fact that rape is common in the military. THREE: They make references to resources being scarce in the country the film takes place in. When these terrible things happen it is usually brought forth by massive corruption and cowardice in government. SLY, is not a military person, even if he uses the methods they may use it is not the same thing. Is he under their authority? Will they say he is one of them? Doe it make sense to say that because he may use some of the militarie's methods he is a military person? It does not! Sly is a Hippie.
Too gory and ultra-violent -IGN It's like they were expecting something other than Rambo.
The killings in this woo the director must be a zombie slaughter movie buff.
Base on true story :100.
Absolutely magnificent grand finale for the beloved saga.
The final act is overwhelming, breathtaking.
The final kill it's easily one of the greatest boss kills ever. To the level of True Lies final kill, or Matrix final kill, Django final kill (with Franco Nero) god, I can think on a lot of cool final kills, but this one is definetly in the first places.
Long live to Rambo.
One man army. Salute to all Green Beret around the world... they really expert. thumbsup. That sawn off though😱. When the bushes start speaking Stalone. 3:07 I want to see this movie. First comment. Just got back from seeing Rambo: Last Blood. And as I suspected, the movie was excellent! Probably the best movie Ive seen all year. For the same reasons the soy boys and SJW slime doesnt like it, are the very same reasons I and everybody in the theater liked it (people clapped at the end. Another masterpiece! 🔫🥋⚔️🏹.
8:01 You wanna live? FOLLOW THE LIGHTS. First blood is the real Rambo. I loved this movie it was a lot of fun I recommend it. Rambo is still in God Mode. Rambo taking the phase Get off my lawn to another level. I like it. I watched it after a crappy week at work with a beer in my hand and enjoyed the shit out of it. Very Very Scary, and Greatest horror movie I've ever seen. After 12 years you could problably get the blu-ray for 5 bucks and keep it... lol. My Dad (R.I.P.) took me to see Rambo: First Blood Pt 2. Quarentine got me looking up the weirdest stuff I swear. He welcome the cartels to the Vietnam era.
Even though no one cares about the guy at the end, still what a terrible way to go out.
Saw it last night absolutely loved ildhood hero still kickin last 20 minutes was fucking awesome! Brutal as hell. Todays ridiculous PC society cant handle a movie,just enjoy it for what it is.
Great movie.i dont understand those negative critics. what did they expect? and those political issues some are addressing?total sure nobody intended like a dark and gritty and brutal! taken version.
i was clapping at the credits.
For me the only toxicity Ive experienced are from people who talk about Toxic Masculinity. Those people are toxic.
They don't make them like this anymore
One of the last original tough guys even at this age is super tough in a convincing role the end was a not rushed but in loved it
The movie was brutal and the action notch
Loved this franchise.
An underwhelming story that's not very 'Rambo' at all, but good acting and emotional scenes still makes it worth the watch. Not the best send-off for the titular character, but a fitting one.
Who says revenge is futile? Revenge is justice & fulfilling. Everybody remember when the kids at your school started talking about this movie when it was popular XD. Yoooo, idc about the vid much, but that intro tho, i love ur intro men.